This was the greatest find for the day. My husband, Son and I were at the Utah Summer Games for all the cycling events in Cedar City Utah. On the first night there was a ten mile time trial. When you are doing a time trial, they call your name in the order you are to start at one minute intervals. This man was the first to go! He rode his time trial like a champion doing the five miles instead of the ten miles and did an amazing job. Oh, did I tell you that he is 90 years old? I wasn't paying any attention to who was going before my husband but afterwards I looked over at the finish line and saw him there. Just hanging out with the other riders in his nice slacks, belt and button collard shirt....yes, he actually rode in these clothes. He had his number pinned to the side of his shirt like the others had to their jerseys. It was one of the funniest and most inspiring things I have ever seen. He looked like he was going to a day at the office but he was in fact riding in a bicycle race. I am wondering if this might be Lance Armstrong's Grandpa? Just a thought.
That guy rocks!!!!
90 years old! sounds just like hubs grandma...96 and still going right along. anyway, ur grandpa is awesome!
He's not my grandpa but he is someones! Yes, he does rock!
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